The best way to invest in the next generation of creative folk is to spend time showing children how to make something fun using a range of techniques and materials.

Kids Creative A4-22nd-Aug

Jacky Edmondson-Mott is a Design Technology teacher with a passion to educate folk in the 6 R’s – refuse, recycle, renew, reduce, repair, rethink.  She is currently running a series of mornings for children to enjoy making something with this in mind.

Jacqueline Edmunson-MottJacky creates rosettes from recycled cloth, flowers from recycled cans, mobiles from old pop bottles – in fact anything she can lay her hands on!

Jacky’s course will be running next Thursday 29 August at 11am for 5-11 year olds (bookings now being taken), though much of her work can be seen in and bought from Avant’s Café Gallery.